Friday, May 6, 2016

Metallica - Unforgiven 1 Meaning +Lyrics

this song is about society today. And yes, today is the same (if not worse) than 12 years ago when the album was released. Anyway, I think this song is about society in the manner that nobody 

is free to be themselves anymore. The only time we are truly individuals are when we rebel. The way the world works, as soon as we are born, we are influenced by t
hose around us to join the conformist, industry-ruled world we live in. Even though it was a comedy, Number 2 in Austin Powers said it best. "There is no world anymore. It's just corporations." And given the lyrics "What I've felt 
What I've known 
Never shined through in what I've shown 
Never free 
Never me 
So I dub thee unforgiven" 
I just find that these enforce my thoughts. 
"What I've felt" -- deals with his feelings and emotions
"What I've known" -- Everything that he (and we) know that we aren't allowed by culture to disperse
"Never shine through in what I"ve shown" --We are becoming one big lump of crap...a big mass with no individuality. This means that even though he's a person, it doesn't show, because he's a drone.
"Never free" --Ruled by everything around him
"Never me" --It's not acceptable in today's culture to be yourself. (I say screw this and everyone who enforces it, but that's the way it is)
"So I dub thee unforgiven" --He feels he's unforgiven because he can't find it in him to stand out so much that you'll recognize him in the basic group of lowlifes. 

Full Lyrics : 
  • New blood joins this earth
    And quickly he's subdued
    Through constant pain disgrace
    The young boy learns their rules
    With time the child draws in
    This whipping boy done wrong
    Deprived of all his thoughts
    The young man struggles on and on he's known
    A vow unto his own
    That never from this day
    His will they'll take away

    What I've felt
    What I've known
    Never shined through in what I've shown
    Never be
    Never see
    Won't see what might have been
    What I've felt
    What I've known
    Never shined through in what I've shown
    Never free
    Never me
    So I dub thee unforgiven

    They dedicate their lives
    To running all of his
    He tries to please them all
    This bitter man he is
    Throughout his life the same
    He's battled constantly
    This fight he cannot win
    A tired man they see no longer cares
    The old man then prepares
    To die regretfully
    That old man here is me

    What I've felt
    What I've known
    Never shined through in what I've shown
    Never be
    Never see
    Won't see what might have been
    What I've felt
    What I've known
    Never shined through in what I've shown
    Never free
    Never me
    So I dub thee unforgiven

    What I've felt
    What I've known
    Never shined through in what I've shown
    Never be
    Never see
    Won't see what might have been
    What I've felt
    What I've known
    Never shined through in what I've shown
    Never free
    Never me
    So I dub thee unforgiven

    Never free
    Never me
    So I dub thee unforgiven

    You labeled me
    I labeled you
    So I dub thee unforgiven

    Never free
    Never me
    So I dub thee unforgiven

    You labeled me
    I labeled you
    So I dub thee unforgiven

    Never free
    Never me
    So I dub thee unforgiven

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